Saturday, March 20, 2010

shop local. except for WIC.

I watched Oprah a few days ago. The one where she was talking with the folks about this documentary called "food, inc." well, needless to say Andy came home from work to see me sitting on the living room floor, mouth agape, brow furrowed, and saying, "We're never buying chicken from Kroger again." The next day found me at Kroger, buying chicken. We needed the meat and it was on sale. But!! I went to the farmer's market today because I really was shocked and completely horrified to see the footage of the animals on the it because you'll then understand. I bought a free range chicken, whole, from an Amish Farmer at the Mill Race Farmer's Market, along with some grass-fed ground beef. The total came to $21.15. HOLY COWS!! Why is this food so much more expensive? Why is locally grown agriculture SO MUCH MORE MONEY? I really only want to buy local and support my local economy and friends. But good grief! When one qualifies for WIC, it's hard to buy what one WANTS. And why doesn't WIC join forces with some other government agencies and make it possible to reimburse farmers or SOMETHING with their funds instead of Wal-Mart? (who accepts wic.) So, I'll just bite the bullet, buy my canned beans with WIC, but dream of the day when I can raise my own free-range chickens, collect their eggs, milk my goats and make cheese, and have a phenomenal garden without dogs to run through it and poop in my cantalopes. (I don't think that disqualifies my food from being organic, right?)

1 comment:

Brenda said...

AMEN! I too dream of this day. I decided I wanted to make this super gourmet Vietnamese meal tomorrow night (complete with spring rolls - wish me luck!) and it cost about the same as 4 nights worth of hotdish! AND I had to go to two different grocery stores (including Lunds which is NOT cheap) to get all the fussy ingredients. LEMONGRASS. Anyway, we'll make the occasional sacrifice to buy our free-range bird. Occasional. Poor people eat hotdish made with tortured chickens.