Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Peaches & Cream Pie and cloth diapers

about 2 Sundays ago, the hubs & i were on the way out the door to church and i realized I'd forgotten to refill the diapers in the diaper bag. so i sprinted (haha. fast-shuffled) back into the house and seeing the diaper drawer empty, snagged a cloth diaper. carly was in cloth from about the time she was 3 months old until we moved to minnesota. (my parent's house didn't have a sprayer for the shower. this is important because i do NOT like dunking poop diapers in the toilet and running to the washing machine yelling "get out of my way! NOW!) So. we started up again with BumGenius diapers because it's conducive & money saving. (c'mon people. we're in a recession.)
I really like them. Cute for the summer especially (add a cute dress or tank and no worries about a diaper-cover-booty thingy.)

i think we have about 10 or 11. bunch of colors, but i still do put carly in over night disposables because she'll wake up cold if she pees a ton. here's our partial collection.

Today i also felt like using up some peaches in the fridge that were on sale at Hy-Vee. Peaches & Cream Pie it was:) and it was SO good.............

sliced & ready to go.


filled the house with good smells:)

ahh... a GOOD dessert!

sitting here I can smell that summer evening smell that's like dew and flowers and cut hay. I'm taking Dakota on a walk just to be in it, and then i'll probably have another piece of pie......

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